Walking the Eifelsteig


In 2012 my sister and I walked the first 5 stages of the German long distance walk ‘The Eifelsteig.’ Back then I was planning to keep a travel-journal while walking this incredible route. But as usual the journal didn’t really happen and besides from the photos of last year’s trip, there is no real record of the wonderful days we spend outdoors.

This year we set out to walk the remaining 10 stages, leading us further south, towards the beautiful, historic city of Trier. Ten days of walking, a day of rest in between. Once again I took my notebook and promised myself to write a one -page -a –day journal during the time we were gone. And somehow I managed to  keep that promise to myself!

The following accounts, which I plan to post over the coming weeks, will be short notes about the marvelous days my sister and I spend in Germany. Some merely contain a collection of words; things I scribbled down in order to remember a certain feeling or scent.  Others consist of just one line, as I tried to capture a day in as little words as possible.  No matter what the diary-pages are like, I know it gave me great satisfaction to write something down each and every day of our lovely journey. Feel like going on a  hike with me?

Here’s a link to the offical Eifelsteig website:  http://www.eifelsteig.de/en/eifelsteig-portrait/